Average website conversion rates are 2.35%, the top 10% of websites convert on average at 11.45%. But how can you take your website from average to have a conversion rate of over 11%? Find out in today's podcast.

Average Conversion Rate Sources: https://www.wordstream.com/blog/ws/2014/03/17/what-is-a-good-conversion-rate and https://www.smartinsights.com/ecommerce/ecommerce-analytics/ecommerce-conversion-rates/


Why Is It So Hard To Rank Online? - Pt. 3: It Takes Time

It's hard to rank online. In our 3-part podcast series, we'll let you know why that is. In part one we talked about why keyword research is hard and in part 2 we talked about Google's changing algorithms. If you missed those, check them out in the Sales and Marketing Podcasts. In this our third and final installment in our series, we're going to talk about why ranking online takes time.


Why Is It So Hard To Rank Online? - Pt. 2: Changing Algorithms

It's hard to rank online. In our 3 part podcast series, we'll let you know why that is. In part one we talked about why keyword research is hard. If you missed it, check it out in The Sales and Marketing Podcasts. In this our second part in our series, we're going to examine how changing Algorithms makes ranking online so difficult. What are algorithms? why are they constantly changing and how does that affect how your website ranks on search engines? You'll find out in today's podcast.


Being able to find the right keywords to target is key to the success of search engine optimization and being able to get sales from SEO. Understanding which search phrases will bring traffic and which will bring actual customers is the trick. In the first part of our three-part series entitled "Why it is hard to rank online?" We'll be taking a look at why keyword research is hard.


Strategy Canvas - Why It's Important

We're sharing 5 of the most important things to improving your customer experience, including efficiency, knowledgable service, ease of payment, convenience, and friendly service.