Online Products
Industry Benchmark Reports ($199.99)
Get financial benchmarking metrics for your business by ordering this report. All facts come directly from statistic Canada. The financial benchmarking can be completed by industry, business type (all businesses, incorporated or unincorporated), % of revenue and absolute dollar amounts. We know that it can sometimes be challenging to get the information you really want from Statistics Canada. Why not let us do the work for you. Contact Us and let us know what information you want. We can do the work for you to make sure you get the financial benchmarking information you need, saving you hours of your precious time. If you are interested in pulling the information yourself and have the time to learn Statistics Canada's system you can retrieve the data free of charge by going to the following website
Below is a sample of what the report will look like. The reports can be purchased for any province or for Canada as a whole.
Contact Us to place your order for an industry benchmarking report.
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