On & Off Page Optimization

We take a wholistic approach to your SEO strategy, including both on and off page optimization.

On page SEO includes a number of the core search engine optimization tactics used on your website including keywords in copy and meta description, HTML, title tags and alt tags, as well as content quality, page performance and content structure. Each of these tactics will directly influence your website's ability to rank well in search engines.

Off-page SEO includes all of the factors that can be controlled off of your website and have an impact on your rankings, including backlinks, social shares, guest blogging, and more.

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1 Page Vet Clinic Marketing Plan 

Veterinarians serve one of the most endeared family members of a household and it is this compassion and dedication to the work and families that need to be made known to your patient's and their family. Work with the Profitworks team help you reach more pets and families today.

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We empower clinics to help more families and pets

We've heard time and again how our clinic owners want advisors that take the time and care to manage their marketing as if it was their own business. Work with the Profitworks team to help uncover the amazing product and service more people need to hear about.

button start working with us

Executive Summary

 - The key components of a one page marketing plan include messaging and channels

 - The one page marketing plan can be summarized as qualities my customer cares about, who is my target customer, what is my brand statement, what is my marketing budget, where will I reach my clients, and what are my marketing goals

 - The Veterinary industry is highly competitive and clinics need to provide great service and creativity if they want to help more families and pets

The most important thing about your one page marketing plan

1 page marketing plan vet clinics 2

Use your one page marketing plan as a compass rather than a map. As part of starting a new business and creating a marketing plan, the aim is to create something unique that others in the industry have not. That is what truly makes an effective marketing plan that is positioned to help your team grow in serving more great people in the company. Using this one page marketing plan will require frequent contact with clients to understand where their needs and their pets' needs are.

Our interpretation of a one page marketing plan as popularized by Successwise revolves around two crucial areas:

  • Message - what the predominant themes are that your target customer should know about your clinic
  • Channel - where these messages should be delivered in a unique or fresh way

Creating a message that resonates with your patients and family

1 page marketing plan vet clinics 3

In order to create a message that resonates with clients, it is important to understand what is valued and how they would articulate these aspirations and needs in their own words. One of the best sources for this is to use Google, Yelp, or Yellowpages reviews to determine what customers find to be important when they are raving about clinics or what expectations often go unmet. 

Both reinforcing these needs and addressing unmet expectations are great ways to create brand messaging that can help you better connect with your customers. Based on a search in Waterloo, here are some things that customers really appreciate about vet clinics.

  • Being greeted by name each time a patient visits (including pet and owners)
  • Flexibility in dealing with last minute changes
  • Staff are caring, compassionate, friendly, and knowledgeable (for this reviewer they drive across the GTA to see their vet outside of the area)
  • Follow-up calls to check on the pets after service
  • Can tell that staff love their jobs 
  • Exceptional respect and compassion for pets when being put down (some clinics even send handwritten and signed notes to owners who lose a loved one)
  • Clinic decor is also important for pet owners

The vet clinic industry is incredibly competitive because of the sheer number of clinics advertised online as well as the extensive number of reviews. Without a marketing plan, you are leaving your clinic's future viability to chance. From here we identify the target customer base that you would like to aim for.

Describe your clinic in 1-2 sentences

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Being able to describe your clinic in 1-2 sentences is a great way for you to quickly connect with customers and also give people an easy way to understand how your clinic is different than others.  For example, based on the Google feedback we've just covered, I may want to highlight a team's compassion, knowledge, and flexibility.

"Our clinic is dedicated to offering compassion and expertise in every stage of your family and pet's life. Our caring and detailed service is available for every season." 

A clinic could also look at emphasizing decor, friendliness, and follow-ups.

"Our team is located in our modern pet care centre where the latest practices are used to ensure top care for your pets, all with a friendly smile and follow-up call to ensure everything is right."

Given these examples, it is important to conduct first-hand research into what pet owners and pets care about as part of being in a clinic. Having gone through the process, one develops an innate empathy with their market, helping define who you're trying to serve based on a resonance of challenges and aspirations.

Finding the right audience to reach and where to reach them

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Pet owners, like other people, often do not enjoy being categorized, but as part of empathizing with the families and pets you are trying to serve, there are important insights to draw from understanding these categorizations, some of which can be seen by the different types of dog owners.

There are generally a number of types of pet owners, including

  • The de-facto pet expert: reaching these customers is easy in the way of providing useful content and new information that they may not know. Given access to proprietary knowledge bases that vets have this customer enjoys being engaged in the decision process.
  • The pet is treated like a human owner: these owners provide equal comfort to their pet as they would a spouse or child. Speaking to them may require additional research as to common dog names that these types of owners may use to further connect with this demographic.
  • Anxious owners: are often overly involved with their pets and often worry about worst-case scenarios or upcoming bugs that may impact their pet.
  • The "pet" person: often has difficulty saying no to taking in new pets or animals in trouble. This owner is likely to respond to having the convenience of working with a pet specialist that can manage numerous pets in various life stages for them.

Select the top segment of pet owners that you would like to target as well as the pets that your clinic has the most experience in. It is important to note that choosing a specialty may provide you with a way to have a dedicated following, but, as conventional knowledge holds, dog and cat owners are by far the most common type of pet owners. 

As you consider what themes impact pet owners and also your target segment, you are now creating a brand. A brand is more than just a message but is a core set of themes and values that are held true in every aspect of your veterinary clinic. It is the standard to which your service is held that constitutes a brand, and it is one that can help provide the most excellent level of service and compassionate care to pets and families.

Set a marketing budget

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Whether you are starting up with little money to spare or are an established practice looking to serve more pets, setting a marketing budget is important and is actually accessible to all clinics of all shapes and sizes. Typically, care centres and not-for-profits will dedicate 6-8% of their total budgets towards marketing and outreach, though we understand that dedicating this amount of dollars may not be feasible for all clinics.

This means that a clinic that makes $400,000 a year should look to spend at least $24,000( 6%) on marketing. Now, the second difficult choice is how to spend that budget, which we explore further in our next section of the marketing plan. ,

It is to be noted that larger clinics will tend to have even greater spending on marketing, not because they can better afford it, but because they've seen its impact on growing their service.

Determining means for delivering your message and brand

For your one page marketing plan, the next section is to determine the channels through which to reach your target pet owners with your message and brand. We cover classic channels that are used by clinics and explore ones that could deliver your brand and create a connection with pet owners.

Here are some classic channels in which clinics would seek to promote their services so as to help owners incorporate these into their plan:

  • Website - is the standard for markeeting and is the primary means in which clinics are discovered by new residents.
  • Media ads - media ads like commercials and radio spots are another method to get on potential customers' radar.
  • Social media - is another way to interact and stay in touch with pet owners.

Here are some other great ways to reach pet owners that may help you cut through the noise:

  • Set up a pick-up bag dispenser for pet owners to use at dog parks.
  • Create a blog featuring the latest practices in pet research to educate and empower owners.
  • Offer free pet clinics during an afternoon at the mall.
  • Create a Facebook or social media group that provides care tips and support for other owners.
  • Provide a listing service or guidance for pet owners who are looking to rent in your area.
  • Offer a pet rental service where people exploring the possibility can come take your clinic friends out on a date.
  • Consider offering your clients access to knowledge bases that contain the latest research and findings on pet care.

Set goals for your marketing plan

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One of the main challenges that clinic owners run into is a fixation on sales alone. Often sales and clinic growth occur not in response to a sole focus on the bottom line but through a focus on learning and curiosity. As part of that approach, we often encourage business owners to focus on driving insights and applying those to quickly improve service or communication, which ultimately lead to growth.

Example goals for clinic owners:

  • Learn 5 things about pet owners each quarter and seek to implement at least 2 related insights.
  • Find at least 2 new potential platforms, communities, or apps that pet owners are using to make their lives easier.
  • Get at least one Google review (or choose your top review site) a month.
  • Grow clinic practice by 5 families or owners + pets every month.

Identifying monthly goals often times is more actionable than setting quarterly and annual goals. Depending on how dedicated a clinic owner is, however, this rule is flexible.

1 Page Marketing Plan Table of Contents

Now that we've covered the basics of a one page marketing plan, here is an outline to help you get started on your own:

  1. Key needs and expectations I want to focus on for pet owners and pets
  2. Who are the pet owners that I want to serve
  3. What is my brand statement (1-2 sentences about my clinic)
  4. What are the main ways I will reach these pet owners
  5. What are my goals and expected outcomes that I can review

Sample One page marketing plan

1 page marketing plan vet clinics 8

Download our one page veterinary clinic marketing plan here or contact us to help you tailor the plan.

Growing your business one healthy dog or cat at a time

A one page marketing plan is a great way to quickly identify key priorities in reaching the families and pets that need your clinic's help. Marketing, done well is customer service because it allows a clinic to reach and engage in a caring and compassionate way to better the lives of families and friends who own a beloved pet. Our hope is that our one page marketing plan for clinics can help more professionals serve more families and pets.

Profitworks helps organizations succeed with marketing

"I've found Profitworks to be tenacious and adaptable to the challenges our industry possesses."

-Blair Business Owner & Customer

Read More About What Our Customers Say

We've helped passionate and caring companies across Canada and the US succeed with growth, because we believe in the beauty and meaning of every article written, email sent, and social media post crafted. Our team endeavours to create unique competitive advantages for all of our customers and would be thrilled to learn more about your mission and plans for your team. Profitworks provides marketing strategy, content marketing, branding, and social media management for great companies with a stellar product or service.


1 Page Mall Marketing Plan to Drive Store Traffic

Malls serve some of the savviest and also the most fickle shoppers. Create loyal fans by understanding your shoppers and tenants with a one page marketing plan. Work with the Profitworks team to help you reach more visitors today!

mall marketing plan blog banner

We empower retailers and malls to find their crowd

We've seen time and again how mall owners want advisors that take the time and care to manage their marketing as if it was their own business. Work with the Profitworks team to help uncover the amazing product and service more people need to hear about.

button start working with us

Executive Summary

- Mall owners and managers continue to face challenges in sustaining foot traffic as eCommerce continues to grow, signalling a need for a more robust yet succinct marketing plan

 - The key components of a one page marketing plan include target segment, messaging, and channels

 - The one page marketing plan can be summarized as qualities my customer cares about, who is my target customer, what is my brand statement, what is my marketing budget, where will I reach my clients, and what are my marketing goals

 - The retail industry is highly competitive and mall management needs to provide great service and creativity if they want to find innovative ways to attract visitors

The key consideration for mall managers and owners

mall marketing plan article graphic - gift tag just for you

Malls have been in decline for a number of years, but for those that aren't ready to quit yet, here is where the rebellion against the tide begins, with your one page marketing plan. Use your one page marketing plan as a compass rather than a map. As part of starting a new business and creating a marketing plan, the aim is to create something unique. That is what truly makes an effective marketing plan that is positioned to help your team grow in serving more great people in the company. Using this one page marketing plan will require frequent contact with clients to understand where their needs and their pets' needs are.

Our interpretation of a one page marketing plan as popularized by Successwise revolves around two crucial areas:

  • Message - what the predominant themes are that your target customer should know about your mall
  • Channel - where these messages should be delivered in a unique or fresh way

Creating a message that resonates with people most likely to shop

1 page marketing plan vet clinics 3

In order to create a message that resonates with clients, it is important to understand what is valued and how they would articulate these aspirations and needs in their own words. One of the best sources for this is to use Google, Yelp, or Yellowpages reviews to determine what customers find to be important when they are raving about malls or what expectations often go unmet. 

Both reinforcing these needs and addressing unmet expectations are great ways to create brand messaging that can help you better connect with your customers. Based on a search on UNIQLO's / Yorkdale Mall's reviews in the Toronto area, here are some things that customers really appreciated:

  • Stores being cleaned regularly
  • Having people to help on standby 
  • Patrons also appreciated larger malls having wait lines so that the store isn't cramped
  • Customers appreciated the fact that store directories were kept up to date and accessible
  • People were fans of the selection of stores
  • Decor

Here are some mistakes to avoid:

  • Communicate pricing consistently so customers aren't charged more than expected
  • Ensure customers understand refund/exchange policy
  • Parking and limited seating at the food court contributed to poor experiences

The retail industry is incredibly competitive because of the sheer number of retailers vying for patrons, while online shopping is becoming more widely used than ever before. Without a marketing plan, you are leaving your mall's future viability to chance. From here we identify the target customer base that you would like to aim for.

Describe your mall in 1-2 sentences

mall  terrace with water and people walking

Being able to describe your mall in 1-2 sentences is a great way for you to quickly connect with customers and also give people an easy way to understand how your retail experience is different than others.  For example, based on the Google feedback we've just covered, I may want to highlight the mall's emphasis on customer service oriented brands, decor, and focus on experience from parking to purchase.

"Our mall is dedicated to an unparalleled shopping experience, going at your pace, and comfort at every shop. We invite the curious, adventurous, and fashion-forward to enter with expectation." 

A mall could also look at emphasizing the availability of parking, seats at the food court, or simply exciting new stores.

"Never miss a spot, seat, or moment at Pleasantown Mall, where life happens."

Given these examples, it is important to conduct first-hand research into what mall shoppers and retailers care about as part of being in a mall. Having gone through the process, one develops an innate empathy with their market, helping define who you're trying to serve based on a resonance of challenges and aspirations.

Finding the right audience to reach and where to reach them

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Retailers, like other people, often do not enjoy being categorized, but as part of empathizing with the families and shoppers you are trying to serve, there are important insights to draw from understanding these categorizations.There are generally a number of types of shoppers, including:

  • Mall walker: a person who innately just enjoys walking in the mall either alone or with other friends, they enjoy browsing
  • Deal hunter: a person who gets their thrill from finding deals
  • Retired seniors: they are all about shooting the breeze and can often be found doing yoga or tai chi early in the morning, or power walking particularly during the winter
  • New mothers: mothers with young children are often seen congregating together and the mall offers a break from being cooped up at home 
  • High school students: they're supposed to be in class but instead find solace in hanging out with friends at the mall
  • Therapeutic shopper: shopping as stress relief, these shoppers are what keeps malls and retailers going

Select the top segment of shoppers that you would like to target. It is important to note that choosing a segment may provide you with a way to have a dedicated following.

As you consider what themes impact shoppers and your target segment, you are now creating a brand. A brand is more than just a message but is a core set of themes and values that are held true in every aspect of your retail experience. It is the standard to which your service is held that constitutes a brand, and it is one that can help provide a high level of service.

Set a marketing budget

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Whether you are starting up with little money to spare or are an established mall looking to attract more foot traffic, setting a marketing budget is important and is accessible to all malls of all shapes and sizes. Typically, shopping malls may dedicate 6-8% of their total budgets towards marketing and outreach, though we understand that dedicating this amount of dollars may not always be feasible.

This means that a mall that makes $1,000,000 a year should look to spend at least $60,000( 6%) on marketing. Now, the second difficult choice is how to spend that budget, which we explore further in our next section of the marketing plan. ,

It is to be noted that more established malls will tend to have even greater spending on marketing, not because they can better afford it, but because they've seen its impact on growing their patronage.

Determining means for delivering your message and brand

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For your one page marketing plan, the next section is to determine the channels through which to reach your target visitors with your message and brand. We cover classic channels that are used by malls and explore ones that could deliver your brand and create a connection with visitors.

Here are some classic channels in which malls could seek to promote themselves:

  • Website - is the standard for marketing and is the primary means in which mall hours, news, and events are shared
  • Media ads - media ads like commercials and radio spots are another method to get on potential customers' radar
  • Social media - is another way to interact and stay in touch with visitors.

Here are some other great ways mall owners can reach visitors that may help you cut through the noise:

  • Create a date night experience featuring various shops, restaurants, and entertainment centres
  • Invite local personal stylists/interior designers to utilize your mall for a tour for a group of guests
  • Offer daycares competitive rental rates so that working families can have a reason to visit as they pick up their kids
  • Shop for a cause by hosting charity events at your mall or feature retailers
  • Provide competitive rates to fitness centres to attract visitors before and after a workout
  • Invite an escape room to set up shop in an open area to attract new guests and visitors

Set goals for your marketing plan

1 page marketing plan vet clinics 7

One of the main challenges that mall leaders run into is a fixation on rental income alone. Often the long-term viability of a mall can be determined not in response to a sole focus on the bottom line but through a focus on learning and curiosity. As part of that approach, we often encourage leaders to focus on driving insights and applying those to quickly improve service or communication, which ultimately lead to growth.

Example goals for mall leaders or owners:

  • Learn 3 things about mall tenants and how to support their objectives
  • Find at least 2 new potential platforms, communities, or apps that shoppers and families are using to make their lives easier
  • Get at least one Google review (or choose your top review site) a month

Identifying monthly goals often times is more actionable than setting quarterly and annual goals. Depending on how dedicated a mall's management is, however, this rule is flexible.

1 Page Marketing Plan Table of Contents

Now that we've covered the basics of a one page marketing plan, here is an outline to help you get started on your own:

  1. Key needs and expectations I want to focus on for shoppers and tenants
  2. Who are the shoppers/tenants that I want to serve
  3. What is my brand statement (1-2 sentences about my mall experience)
  4. What are the main ways I will reach these shoppers/tenants
  5. What are my goals and expected outcomes that I can review

Sample One page marketing plan

1 page marketing plan vet clinics 8

Download our one page marketing plan here or contact us to help you tailor the plan.

Growing your guest experience

A one page marketing plan is a great way to quickly identify key priorities in reaching the visitors that are looking for convenience and an experience. Marketing, done well, is customer service because it allows a mall to reach and engage in a caring and delightful way. Our hope is that our one page marketing plan for malls can help more retailers serve more families.

Profitworks helps organizations lead with marketing

"I've found Profitworks to be tenacious and adaptable to the challenges our industry possesses."

-Blair Business Owner & Customer

Read More About What Our Customers Say

We've helped passionate and caring companies across Canada and the US succeed with growth, because we believe in the beauty and meaning of every article written, email sent, and social media post crafted. Our team endeavours to create unique competitive advantages for all of our customers and would be thrilled to learn more about your mission and plans for your team. Profitworks provides marketing strategy, content marketing, branding, and social media management for great companies with a stellar product or service.


Top 5 Response Templates For After A Sales Or Bid Loss 

After a long and arduous process of submitting a bid or sales proposal, having the rejection letter come in can be a difficult pill to swallow.  Every major agency and vendor has received this letter and it's what organizations do after the rejection letter or sales loss that can speak volumes about who your company really is. Utilize our top 5 responses to losing a sale or bid to help cement relationships with a prospect for the future and position your company as a market leader. Don't settle for average growth when submitting RFPs- work with our team of dedicated growth professionals, and challenge your team to become the market leader by using a predictable revenue strategy.

For business leaders who are stuck with what to do after a sales or RFP loss, continue on to find ways to improve your company brand despite having lost a sales or bid.

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 Top response template for sale bid loss banner


Plant Nursery 1 Page Marketing Plan

Nurseries offer improved living and work quality for homes and businesses. The market for nurseries is increasingly competitive and companies should focus on their customers and brand with a 1 page marketing plan. Let your plants breathe life into your customers and let the Profitworks team grow new business for your nursery.

nursery marketing plan 1

We empower nurseries to reach their best clients

We've heard time and again how nurseries want advisors that take the time and care to manage their marketing as if it was their own business. Work with the Profitworks team to help more clients discover your garden centre business.

button start working with us

Executive summary

 - The key components of a 1 page marketing plan include messaging and channels

 - The 1 page marketing plan can be summarized as qualities my customer cares about, who is my target customer, what is my brand statement, what is my marketing budget, where will I reach my clients, and what are my marketing goals

 - The nursery industry is highly competitive with little differentiation between stores, meaning a company with the right marketing plan and execution can be the market leader

The most important thing about your 1 page marketing plan

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Use your 1 page marketing plan as a compass rather than a map. As part of starting a new business and creating a marketing plan, the aim is to create something unique that others in the industry don't have. That is what truly makes an effective marketing plan that is positioned to help your team grow in starting the relationship on the right foot and getting buyers connected to your brand and team. Using this 1 page marketing plan will require periodic contact with buyers and organizational planners to understand where their needs are currently and how they might change.

Our interpretation of a 1 page marketing plan as popularized by Successwise revolves around two crucial areas:

  • Message - what the predominant themes are that your target customer should know about your nursery
  • Channel - where these messages should be delivered in a unique or fresh way

Creating a message that resonates with commercial buyers, homeowners, and renters

1 page marketing plan vet clinics 3

In order to create a message that resonates with clients, it is important to understand what is valued and how they would articulate these aspirations and needs in their own words. One of the best sources for this is to use Google, Yelp, or Yellowpages reviews to determine what customers find to be important when they are raving about nurseries or what expectations often go unmet and where =disappointment stems from. 

Both reinforcing these needs and addressing unmet expectations are great ways to create brand messaging that can help you better connect with your customers. Based on a search in the Toronto area, here are some things that customers really appreciate about nursery wholesales and stores.

  • Knowledgeable staff that spoke and looked experienced (including seniors on staff)
  • Locations away from busy intersections were appreciated, as well as accessibility of parking
  • Wide variety of selection helped inspire new ideas
  • Quality of plants was incredible
  • Staff were helpful and not afraid to take time (up to 1 hour to help) with customers or load the car after a purchase
  • Well managed customer flow is essential to brand and shopping experience - customers sometimes complained about long lineups or crowded stores
  • Healthy plants and clean location added to the brand experience

The nursery and garden centre is competitive because of the sheer number of centres available in the GTA region along with the changing tastes of residents. Nurseries need to be laser-focused on harmonizing marketing from an outreach and inbound service perspective. Now that we know what resonates with customers we will establish a brand statement in 1-2 sentences.

Describe your nursery in 1-2 sentences

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Being able to describe your nursery in 1-2 sentences is a great way for you to quickly connect with customers and also give people an easy way to understand how your garden centre is unique and the top choice for homeowners, renters, and commercial buyers.  For example, based on the Google feedback we've just covered, a business owner will want to highlight a team's knowledge and care for the plants and customers.

"Our nursery ensures our plants look good so that your home and office looks modern and striking, with friendly and comprehensive service that works for you." 

A nursery could emphasize cleanliness, ease of parking, and positive shopping experience.

"Our modern nursery centre is located at X with ample parking and great service so there's space to be inspired, leading to the best plant placement and arrangement for your home and office."

Given these examples, it is important to conduct first-hand research into what homeowners, renters, and commercial buyers value in a garden centre. Having gone through the process, one develops empathy with their customers, helping define who you're trying to serve based on a resonance of challenges and aspirations.

Finding the right audience to reach and where to reach them

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Garden centres customers are people and often do not enjoy being categorized, but as part of empathizing with those you are trying to serve, there are important insights to draw from understanding these categorizations, some of which are detailed by business plans for nurseries.

There are generally a number of types of nursery shoppers, including

  • Homeowners: homeowners defer to garden centres in order to create character and captivate the imaginations of house guests. Some homeowners enjoy the bounty of having fruit trees in their own yard for gifts and festive recipes.
  • Renters: this segment of residential customers are focused on lifestyle and adding green and lively plant life to their homes or balconies to ensure their comfort and peace of mind.
  • Commercial buyers: commercial buyers include contract builders, architects, event planners, and farmers  - for the adept, each of these segments could very well have their own one page marketing plan as they are small in number but often acquire a large volume of plants or nursery stock.

Select the top segment of customers that you would like to target as well as the plants that your centre has the most expertise in. It is important to note that choosing a specialty may provide you with a way to have a dedicated following, but, as conventional knowledge holds, common low maintenance houseplants are a large portion of sales. 

As you consider what themes impact plant and nursery stock buyers, you are now creating a brand. A brand is more than just a message; is a core set of themes and values that are held true in every aspect of your garden centre. It is the standard to which your service is held that constitutes a brand, and it is one that can help provide the most excellent level of service.

Set a marketing budget

1 page marketing plan vet clinics 6

Whether you are starting up with little money to spare or are an established centre looking to serve more customers, setting a marketing budget is important and is actually accessible to all garden centres and nurseries of all scales. Typically a business will dedicate 6-8% of their total budget towards marketing and outreach, though we understand that dedicating this amount of dollars may not be feasible for all.

This means that a nursery that makes $400,000 a year should look to spend at least $24,000 (6%) on marketing. Now, the second difficult choice is how to spend that budget, which we explore further in our next section of the marketing plan.

It is to be noted that larger nurseries will tend to have even greater spending on marketing, not because they can better afford it, but because they've seen its impact on growing their business.

Determining means for delivering your message and brand

For your 1 page marketing plan, the next section is to determine the channels through which to reach your target residents and commercial buyers with your message and brand. We cover classic channels that are used by nurseries and explore other ones that could deliver your brand and create a lasting connection with buyers.

Here are some classic channels in which clinics would seek to promote their services so as to help owners incorporate these into their plan:

  • Website - is the standard for marketing and is the primary means in which centres are discovered by new residents.
  • Media ads - media ads like commercials and radio spots are another method to get on potential customers' radar.
  • Social media - is another way to interact and stay in touch with residents.

Here are some other great ways to reach residents and commercial clients that may help you cut through the noise:

  • Send out small pouches of air packages featuring different plant varieties to provide homeowners with a "refreshing" reminder of the big difference a small plant can make.
  • Create a blog featuring tips on how to improve air quality of home and office.
  • Offer appointments in-person or via Skype for homeowners to get tips on caring for and tending to house and garden plants.
  • Lead the movement on a local green initiative like rooftop gardens, office composting, or recycling.
  • For each holiday and season, create a comprehensive campaign on how living and workspaces can be styled to match the seasons.
  • Offer plant rental service where residents and offices can have a rotating series of plants on a subscription basis.

Set goals for your marketing plan

1 page marketing plan vet clinics 7

One of the main challenges that garden centres run into is a fixation on sales alone. Often sales and clinic growth occur not in response to a sole focus on the bottom line but through a focus on learning and curiosity. As part of that approach, we often encourage business owners to focus on driving insights and applying those to quickly improve service or communication, which ultimately lead to growth.

Example goals for garden centre and nursery owners:

  • Learn 5 things about residential owners each quarter and seek to implement at least 2 related insights.
  • Find at least 2 new potential platforms, communities, or apps that plant lovers and buyers are using to make their lives easier.
  • Get at least one Google review (or choose your top review site) a month for each location.
  • Grow sales by 10% each quarter.

Identifying monthly goals often times is more actionable than setting quarterly and annual goals. Depending on how dedicated a garden centre is, however, this rule is flexible.

1 page marketing plan table of contents

Now that we've covered the basics of a 1 page marketing plan, here is an outline to help you get started on your own:

  1. Key needs and expectations I want to focus on for homeowners and commercial buyers
  2. Who are the key customers that I want to serve
  3. What is my brand statement (1-2 sentences about the nursery)
  4. What are the main ways I will reach these customers
  5. What are my goals and expected outcomes that I can review

Sample 1 page marketing plan

1 page marketing plan vet clinics 8

Download our 1 page nursery marketing plan here or contact us to help you tailor the plan.

Growing your business by using marketing as customer service

A one page marketing plan is a great way to quickly identify key priorities in reaching the families and businesses that need your centre's help. Marketing, done well, is customer service because it allows a nursery to reach and engage in an effective way to better the living and work environment of all in the community. Our hope is that our one page marketing plan for nurseries can help more professionals serve more families and professionals.

Profitworks helps organizations succeed with marketing

"I've found Profitworks to be tenacious and adaptable to the challenges our industry possesses."

-Blair Business Owner & Customer

Read More About What Our Customers Say

We've helped passionate and caring companies across Canada and the US succeed with growth, because we believe in the beauty and meaning of every article written, email sent, and social media post crafted. Our team endeavours to create unique competitive advantages for all of our customers and would be thrilled to learn more about your mission and plans for your team. Profitworks provides marketing strategy, content marketing, branding, and social media management for great companies with a stellar product or service.