How To Get More Sales Leads From Your Website
What do you think creates more leads for a website? Providing a contact form or providing an info@ email address? Read on to find out how to get more sales leads from your website.
Overview Of Changes
Recently I wanted to conduct a test to see if providing an info@ email address on my "Contact Us" page would result in more inquiries, emails and leads. My hypothesis was that it would as I know for myself I am often a little hesitant to use contact forms. I usually prefer to contact a company by an actual email address using my own email system. This is because I then have record of sending the email and I am not always sure what a website will do with the information I put in a contact form. After conducting the test I was actually a little surprised by the results.
The Results
October 1st 2010 to April 9th 2011 = 7 contacts (or 0.04 contacts per day)
April 9th 2011 to May 26th 2011 = 6 contacts (or 0.13 contacts per day)
After giving this more thought though, the appropriate thing to look at would be contacts per visit to my website, given the last few months I have been receiving significantly more visits then when I first launched my site back in October 2010. Below are those figures.
October 1st 2010 to April 9th 2011 = 0.006 contacts per unique visit
April 9th 2011 to May 26th 2011 = 0.005 contacts per unique visit
Although this website currently does not get anywhere near as much traffic as a site like eBay or Amazon
I think this website still gets enough traffic to make this data viable. I would say the results are clear, if you want more people to contact you through your website using an actual email address on your website instead of only a contact form will have little to no impact to the number of inquiries you receive. For this reason I would suggest that you include both, as the more ways people can contact you the more likely they will be to contact you. Instead I would suggest the best way to get more leads from your website is to ensure that a "Quote" or "Contact Us" button is part of your standard navigation that is on ever page. A great example of this is my customer Unique Embroidery. He has a "Quote" button on every page of his website which makes it very easy for website visitors to get a quote from him. To see what I am talking about go to
Today I changed the email address on the contact page to my email address to see if having a email address that is for a specific person will create an increase in inquiries or not. My hypothesis is that by posting my ckeller@profitworks email address on my Contact Us page I will get more responses then when I had the This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. email address posted.
I would be interested to hear your thoughts and experiences on this subject. Send me an This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or us our contact form, letting me know what you think and tactics you have used to get more leads from your website. Be sure to check back in a month or so when I will reveal the results of this last test to see if it has any impact on the number of leads generated from my website.
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My name is Chris R. Keller and I work at Profitworks where we help various B2B small businesses in Waterloo and Kitchener Ontario generate new customers. If you are interested in generating new customers for your B2B small businesses enter your email in the box provided below and click the Send Me Free Updates button. You will then receive free updates from this blog to your email. We will not send you any other emails.
I hope this article on the how to get more sales leads from your website was interesting. Thanks for reading.