Content Marketing for Countertop Companies - The Most Effective Strategies


The #1 content marketing strategy for countertop companies is creating valuable content that your audience actually wants to read. How do you find out what content your audience wants to read? There are number of ways, you can try a bunch of different content and see what topic has the longest website session time, you can use a pop-up on your website to test what topic gets the most clicks, but probably the best is simply to ask real customers and see what they say. You can do this in person as your customers buy or via a survey you sent out over email and text to your past customers. 


Contact us at Profitworks today to schedule a time with one of our friendly and knowledgeable countertop marketing specialists


Click on the corresponding link to jump ahead:

    1. Create Clear Brand Messaging Across All Your Content
    2. Create Content About The Most Popular/Best Color or Patterns Of Countertops for that Year
    3. Understanding Your Target Audience
    4. Creating Engaging Blog Content
    5. Optimizing Your Website for SEO
    6. Leveraging Social Media Platforms
    7. Utilizing Video Content
    8. Email Marketing Campaigns
    9. Collaborating with Influencers and Industry Experts
    10. Utilizing User-Generated Content
    11. Hosting Workshops and Webinars
    12. Business & Marketing Ethics for Countertop Companies
    13. Create Content That Your Audience Actually Wants To Read - The #1 Strategy


If you are looking for help with your countertop company in the digital marketing realm, Contact Profitworks.




1) Create Clear Brand Messaging Across All Your Content


Consistent brand messaging is essential for building trust and recognition.

Here's how to ensure your countertop company's message shines through all your content:

Cambria countertop brand example 

A. Develop Brand Standards

  • Consistent Color Scheme: Gather feedback on preferences, needs, and expectations.
  • Consistent Font Usage:  Identify their target audience and how they position themselves.
  • Consistent Logo Usage: 
  • Consistent Image Usage:   Stay updated on countertop materials, styles, and consumer preferences
  • Consistent Brand Core Values: What does your company stand for? Quality, craftsmanship, customer service, sustainability, etc.
  • Consistent Brand Personality: How do you want your brand to be perceived? Modern, classic, luxurious, friendly, etc.

Caesarstone Countertop Brand


B. Develop a Strong Brand Voice

  • Tone of Voice: Determine how you'll communicate with your audience. Formal, casual, humorous, authoritative?
  • Key Messaging: Create clear and concise statements that encapsulate your brand's value proposition.
  • Brand Story: Develop a compelling narrative about your company's history, mission, and values.

Vicstone Countertop Brand

This consistently in terms of brand standards and brand voice needs to be consistent across all your marketing channels (website, social media, videos, print materials, email marketing, physical store, store sign, customer interactions, etc)

Would you like us to brainstorm some potential brand messaging for your countertop company?


 C. Find Out What Is Working Or Not For Your Branding

  • Track Brand Perception: Regularly assess how your audience perceives your brand, keep historical records to confirm you branding is heading in the right direction
  • Test Alternative Strategies: Conduct A/B testing to find out what messaging works best for your brand, target market and local culture
  • Gather Feedback: Listen to customer feedback to identify areas for improvement.
  • Stay Updated: Keep your brand messaging fresh and relevant, changing as the market, trends and customer preferences change over time 

 Floform countertop brand example



2) Create Content About The Most Popular/Best Color or Patterns Of Countertops for that Year

Creating content about the most popular and best countertop colors and patterns is essential for a countertop company for several reasons:

1. Establishes Expertise

  • Positions your company as an industry leader: By consistently providing valuable insights on countertop trends, you establish your company as a knowledgeable resource.
  • Builds trust with potential customers: Demonstrating your expertise in the field can help build trust and credibility.

2. Attracts Potential Customers

  • Improves SEO: Incorporating relevant keywords (like "popular countertop colors," "countertop trends") into your content can improve your search engine rankings.
  • Generates leads: People searching for countertop information are potential customers. Your content can attract them to your website.

3. Educates Customers

  • Helps customers make informed decisions: By providing information on countertop trends, you help customers understand their options and make better choices.
  • Encourages purchases: Educated customers are more likely to make a purchase when they feel informed.

4. Promotes Products and Services

  • Showcases your offerings: You can naturally incorporate your products and services into your content.
  • Drives sales: By highlighting how your products align with current trends, you can encourage sales.

5. Enhances Brand Awareness

  • Increases visibility: Consistent content creation can increase your brand's visibility online.
  • Builds brand reputation: Shareable content can help spread awareness of your company.

6. Fosters Engagement

  • Encourages interaction: By asking questions or inviting comments, you can engage with your audience.
  • Builds relationships: Engaging with customers can help build stronger relationships.

By consistently providing valuable content about countertop trends, you can position your company as an industry leader, attract potential customers, and ultimately drive sales. Would you like someone to brainstorm some specific countertop trend content ideas? If yes, contact us at Profitworks today to schedule a time with one of our friendly and knowledgeable countertop marketing specialists

Here is an example of a countertop trends post. 

Countertop Trends Post Example 



How we create countertop trends content is listed below. We would recommend you follow the same process if you are looking to do this for your own countertop company. 

A. Research is Key

Before you start crafting your content, thorough research is essential. Here's how to gather the necessary information:

  • Industry Publications: Read articles and reports from industry-leading magazines and websites.
  • Social Media Platforms: Analyze popular posts and trends on platforms like Pinterest and Instagram.
  • Interior Design Blogs and Websites: Explore what design experts are predicting.
  • Home Improvement Stores: Visit local stores to see what countertop options are most in demand.
  • Customer Feedback: Gather insights from your own customers about their preferences.
  • Sales Data: Mine your own sales data to see what materials and colours have been sold the most in recent months and which ones are gaining sales momentum.

B. Identify Key Trends

Once you've gathered your data, look for recurring patterns and themes. Some potential trends to focus on include:

  • Color Palettes: What colors are dominating the market? Are they bold and dramatic, or soft and neutral?
  • Material Preferences: Are people leaning towards natural stone, quartz, or engineered materials?
  • Pattern Popularity: Are intricate veining patterns or solid colors in vogue?
  • Style Influences: Are there any particular design styles (e.g., modern, farmhouse, industrial) driving countertop choices?

C. Create Engaging Content

With your research in hand, you can start creating content that resonates with your audience. Here are some content ideas:

  • Trend Blog Posts Examples:
    • "Top Countertop Trends of [Year]"
    • "How to Choose the Perfect Countertop for Your Kitchen"
    • "Countertop Colors That Will Never Go Out of Style"
    • "Modern Countertop Design Ideas for [Current Year]" (if modern is the most popular design style currently, if farmhouse designs are all the rage create a post instead that is "Farmhouse Countertop Design Ideas for [Current Year]"




3) Understanding Your Target Audience


Before diving into specific strategies, it's crucial to understand who your target audience is. Are you primarily catering to homeowners looking to renovate their kitchens or bathrooms? Or are you targeting commercial clients such as restaurants and office spaces? Knowing your audience will guide the type of content you create and where you distribute it. For your countertop company, you should

Countertop market research



A. Conduct Market Research

  • Customer Surveys: Gather feedback on preferences, needs, and expectations.
  • Competitor Analysis: Identify their target audience and how they position themselves.
  • Industry Trends: Stay updated on countertop materials, styles, and consumer preferences.

B. Analyze Customer Data

  • Utilize analytics to track website traffic, social media engagement, and sales data.
  • Identify patterns and trends in customer behavior.

C. Customer Interviews

  • Conduct in-depth interviews with potential and existing customers.
  • Gain insights into their decision-making process and priorities.

D. Define Your Ideal Customer

  • Demographics: Age, gender, income level, location, family size, occupation.
  • Psychographics: Lifestyle, interests, values, attitudes, behaviors. 

E. Identify Different Segments

  • Consider different customer segments based on factors like:
    • Budget
    • Lifestyle
    • Homeownership status
    • Project type (remodel, new construction)

F. Create Buyer Personas

  • Develop detailed profiles of your ideal customers.
  • Give them names and personalities to make them more relatable.
  • Outline their goals, challenges, and buying process.


Sounds like a lot of work. Too much work. Your right it is a tone of work to do. If you want to ace your marketing and see sales grow in any market it takes hard work. Not sure you have the time or the skills to do all of the above, no worries we can help. Contact us at Profitworks to help. We specialize in countertop marketing. We can do any portion of the work you can't or even do the whole process for you. 



4) Creating Engaging Blog Content


Blogs are very useful for businesses that make, sell, fabricate and/or install countertops. By writing interesting and useful blog posts, you can get people to visit your website and build your brand as an expert in the field. Here are some ideas for blog posts:

  • How-to Guides: Write in-depth guides on how to choose the right tabletop material, how to get good value for your dollar, and how to pick the right color our pattern to match your kitchen. An example of a post you could write might be something like "How to Choose the Perfect Quartz Countertop for Your Kitchen"
  • Project Showcases: Use before-and-after photos to show off finished work. Talk about the products that were used, how they were installed, and customer reviews. This not only shows that you know what you're talking about, but it also gives you social proof.
  • Industry Trends: Tell your readers about the newest tastes in tabletop colors, styles, and materials. Articles like "Top Countertop Trends for 2024" can get people who want to keep up with the latest trends in home design.

 Countertop Marketing Company


Sounds like a lot of work to constantly think up and write a bunch of topics? Your right it is a lot of work to do. It is work though that drives sales results. Not sure you have the time or the skills to do all of the above, no worries we can help. Contact us at Profitworks to help. We specialize in countertop marketing. We can do any portion of the work you can't or even do the whole process for you.  



5) Optimizing Your Website for SEO


Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is critical for driving organic traffic to your website. Here are some SEO best practices for countertop companies:

  • Keyword Research: Identify relevant keywords such as "best granite countertops," "quartz vs. marble countertops," and "affordable kitchen countertops."
  • On-Page SEO: Optimize your website content with these keywords. Ensure your titles, meta descriptions, and headers are compelling and keyword-rich.
  • High-Quality Backlinks: Earn backlinks from reputable websites in the home improvement and interior design industries. Guest blogging and influencer collaborations can help with this.

Optimizing your website text for SEO involves more than just placing keywords strategically. It’s about creating valuable content that resonates with your audience while naturally incorporating search terms. Using a professional writing service like EduBirdie in Canada can elevate your content quality, ensuring that it is well-researched, original, and optimized for search engines and save you time. This approach not only improves your search rankings but also enhances the user experience, making your site a go-to resource for countertop information.



6) Leveraging Social Media Platforms


As a way to reach more people, social media is very useful. There are different sites that give you different ways to show off your countertops and interact with people who might buy them.

What we have found is that the social media sites that derive the most benefit for a countertop business are in this order. 

A. Video Sites = Instagram, Tiktok & Youtube

These sites are great for countertop companies because allow you to post videos that can get seen by a lot of people. You can post high-quality videos of your countertops, looks at your work behind the scenes, or funny videos about your company. What we have found is that humour, emotionally touching stories and design trends are the video topics that get the best engagement.

B. Visual Sites = Instagram and Pinterest

These sites are great for countertop companies because they are based on visuals. You can post high-quality pictures of your countertops, looks at your work behind the scenes, and ideas for design. Use appropriate hashtags to get more people to see and follow your posts.

C. Engagement Posting Sites = Facebook and LinkedIn

While Instagram and Pinterest focus on visuals, Facebook and LinkedIn are great for sharing blog posts, customer reviews, and company updates. Engage with your audience through comments, messages, and by participating in relevant groups.

Using organic social media is definitely not as effective in driving sales and marketing results as most people make it out to be. We have found it can be successful but it needs a very strong strategy with clear messaging, a clear target market and a super creative approach to get engagement/way to make the posts go viral. Not getting the results you want from social media? Working with a countertop digital marketing specialist might solve your issues. 



7) Utilizing Video Content


Video content is incredibly engaging and can effectively showcase your countertops. Consider creating the following for your website:

  • Product Demos: Show how different countertop materials look and perform in real-life settings. Include close-ups and highlight unique features.
  • Installation Tutorials: Provide step-by-step installation guides. This can be especially appealing to DIY enthusiasts and contractors.
  • Customer Testimonials: Feature satisfied customers talking about their experience with your countertops. Authentic reviews can build trust with potential clients.
  • Countertop Material Comparisons: Explain the pros and cons of different materials.
  • Behind-the-Scenes Footage: Give viewers a glimpse into your production or installation process

 Consider creating the following for an ad on YouTube

  • Humorous branding videos: Create a funny and easy-to-remember video about what your company does and how you are different than other countertop companies
  • Product showcases:  Highlight the unique qualities of your materials, such as veining or texture.
  • Lifestyle videos:  Integrate countertops into aspirational lifestyle scenes (e.g., a gourmet kitchen, a luxurious bathroom).
  • Before and after testimonials:  Showcasing dramatic kitchen or bathroom makeovers with your countertops

When creating your Youtube Ads, ensure your creative does the following


  • Hook viewers quickly: Grab attention in the first few seconds.
  • Strong branding: Shows your brand multiple times throughout the video
  • Showcase your products: Highlight the beauty and durability of your countertops.
  • Use strong visuals: High-quality images and videos are essential.
  • Include a clear call to action: Tell viewers what you want them to do (visit your website, call for a quote, etc.).



8) Email Marketing Campaigns


In the competitive world of countertop companies, standing out can be quite a challenge. With the right content marketing strategies, however, you can showcase your products, build a loyal customer base, and drive significant business growth. Let's explore the most effective content marketing strategies tailored specifically for countertop companies.



9) Collaborating with Influencers and Industry Experts


Partnering with influencers and industry experts can significantly boost your brand’s visibility. Look for influencers in the home improvement and interior design niches. They can create content featuring your countertops, which can be shared with their large following.

Ask some of the people you work with in the industry to share their expertise with your prospective customers via the different marketing channels you are already using (your website, email marketing, social media, etc)

Invite industry experts to write guest posts on your blog or contribute to reputable home improvement websites. This can help you reach a broader audience and build credibility.



10) Utilizing User-Generated Content


Encourage your customers to share photos and reviews of their new countertops on social media. User-generated content can provide authentic insights and act as powerful testimonials. Feature these on your website and social media channels to build trust and engagement.

Especially important is to ask for reviews on Facebook and Google maps. 



11) Hosting Workshops and Webinars


Hosting educational workshops and webinars can position your company as an industry leader. Offer sessions on topics like countertop maintenance, latest design trends, and installation tips. These events can attract potential customers and provide valuable content that can be shared online.



12) Business & Marketing Ethics for Countertop Companies

Business and marketing ethics are paramount for a countertop company to build trust, loyalty, and a positive reputation. Here are some key ethical considerations:

The key to business ethics is always to follow the golden rule and treat others the way you would want to be treated. 

A. Honest and Accurate Representation

  • Product Quality: Accurately represent the durability, maintenance requirements, and overall quality of countertop materials.
  • Pricing: Clearly communicate pricing, including any additional costs, such as installation or labor. Avoid deceptive pricing tactics.
  • Environmental Impact: If your company promotes eco-friendly materials, ensure accurate claims about sustainability.

B. Fair Competition

  • Truthful Advertising: Avoid making false or misleading claims about competitors' products.
  • Respect for Intellectual Property: Do not infringe on the copyrights, trademarks, or patents of other companies.
  • Price Matching: If offering price matching, ensure fair and transparent policies.

C. Customer Focus

  • Transparency: Clearly communicate product specifications, warranties, and return policies.
  • Customer Satisfaction: Prioritize customer satisfaction through excellent service and addressing complaints promptly.
  • Privacy: Protect customer data and avoid misuse of personal information.

D. Environmental Responsibility

  • Sustainable Materials: Consider using eco-friendly materials and minimizing waste.
  • Ethical Sourcing: Ensure that materials are sourced responsibly and ethically.
  • Recycling and Disposal: Implement proper procedures for recycling and disposing of waste materials.

E. Employee Welfare

  • Fair Wages and Benefits: Provide fair compensation and benefits to employees.
  • Safe Working Conditions: Maintain a safe and healthy work environment.
  • Respectful Workplace: Foster a respectful and inclusive workplace culture.

F. Social Responsibility

  • Community Involvement: Support local communities through charitable contributions or volunteer work.
  • Ethical Partnerships: Partner with suppliers and contractors who share similar ethical values.

G. Specific Considerations for Countertop Companies

  • Material Sourcing: Ensure transparency in the sourcing of materials, especially those with environmental or social implications (e.g., granite, marble).
  • Installation Practices: Adhere to industry standards and safety regulations during installation to protect customers and employees.
  • Waste Management: Implement proper disposal methods for countertop remnants and packaging materials.

By adhering to these ethical principles, a countertop company can build a strong reputation, foster customer loyalty, and contribute positively to the community.

Would you like to delve deeper into a specific area of business or marketing ethics for countertop companies?

To get a free business ethics manual for your business, you can download a free template from Profitworks from our websites. Click here to download  


13) Create Content That Your Audience Actually Wants To Read

Understanding your audience is crucial for creating content that grabs there attention and is material that they really want to read. Here's a breakdown of how to create content that your countertop customers will love and eat up: 

A. Understand Your Audience

  • Identify your target audience: Are you targeting homeowners, contractors, or designers? Follow the steps to determine this in this article. Click here to read
  • Understand their pain points: What challenges do they face when choosing countertops?
  • Know their desires: What are they looking for in a countertop?
  • Find Out What They Want To Read: Simply ask your customers what information they want to read, poll your customers with a list of topics to read about countertops and see which topics they would be most interested in.

B. Create Content In A Way That Encourages Engagement

  • Ask questions In Your Content: Encourage readers to share their thoughts and experiences.
  • Respond to comments: Build a community around your content.
  • Social media sharing: Promote your content on social media platforms.

C. Create Content In A Way That Is Super Easy For Customers To Consumer And Understand

  • Keep It Simple and Clear
    • Use plain language: Avoid industry jargon and technical terms.
    • Short paragraphs: Break up text into easily digestible chunks.
    • Clear headings: Use headings and subheadings to structure your content.
    • Bullet points: Use bullet points to highlight key information.
  • Focus on Visuals
    • High-quality images: Use clear, high-resolution images of your products.
    • Infographics: Visualize complex information in an easy-to-understand format.
    • Videos: Demonstrate product features, installation, or care.
    • Interactive elements: Consider quizzes, polls, or calculators to engage your
  • Tailor to Your Audience
    • Know your audience: Understand their needs, preferences, and knowledge level.
    • Use their language: Speak to your audience in a way they understand.
    • Address their pain points: Provide solutions to their problems.
  • Structure Your Content Effectively
    • Start with a strong introduction: Clearly state the purpose of your content.
    • Provide valuable information: Offer helpful tips, advice, or data.
    • End with a clear call to action: Tell readers what to do next.
  • Proofread Carefully
    • Errors can undermine credibility: Typos and grammatical errors can distract readers.
    • Use proofreading tools: Consider using grammar checkers or hiring a proofreader.

D. Types Of Valuable Content For Countertop Companies

  • Educational Content:
    • Countertop material guides: Explain the pros and cons of different materials (granite, quartz, marble, etc.).
    • Care and maintenance tips: Provide practical advice on cleaning and protecting countertops.
    • Installation guides: Offer step-by-step instructions or expert tips.
  • Inspirational Content:
    • Kitchen design ideas: Showcase different countertop styles and how they complement various kitchen designs.
    • Before-and-after transformations: Highlight the impact of new countertops on a kitchen's appearance.
    • Customer spotlights: Showcase happy customers and their countertop choices.
  • Practical Content:
    • Countertop buying guides: Help customers make informed decisions.
    • Budgeting tips: Offer advice on how to choose countertops within a specific budget.
    • DIY countertop projects: Provide step-by-step instructions for simple countertop updates.

By consistently providing valuable and engaging content, you can position your countertop company as an expert in the industry and build a loyal customer base.

Would you like to brainstorm some specific content ideas based on your target audience or countertop materials?

If yes, contact us at Profitworks today to schedule a time with one of our friendly and knowledgeable countertop marketing specialists



In the competitive world of countertop companies, standing out can be quite a challenge. With the right content marketing strategies, however, you can showcase your products, build a loyal customer base, and drive significant business growth. Let's explore the most effective content marketing strategies for your business tailored specifically for your market and target. Contact us at Profitworks today to schedule a time with one of our friendly and knowledgeable countertop marketing specialists

When it comes to countertop companies, good content marketing can help you stand out from the rest. Always being the same is important. Make sure your content is always new, interesting, and useful to your readers, and you'll start seeing results right away. You can build a strong online profile and help your business grow by knowing your audience, making content that your customers will want to read. Using social media, video, and SEO optimization your prospective customers can not only find out about you, but fall in love with your company before they even step foot in your store.