
Top Websites Of 2010

Top Websites Of 2010 By taking a look at the top websites of 2010 it really shows a lot about what the average person is doing on the internet. do you think you know what will be on the top ten list......below are the websites that made the list.












To read the complete article go to this article titled Facebook was the top search term in 2010 for second straight year.

As you can see Facebook is is now THE number on destination on the web. This is significant because if your small business has no presence on facebook your business has no presence on the website that most people go to on the web. There are multiple ways to get your business visibility on facebook including creating a business page, posting updates on your business profile page or your personal Facebook page that includes links to your business' website and by advertising with Facebook Ads.

Google is still a close number two though and is still THE #1 website where people go to search for information on products and services. For this reason it still may be the more valuable place to advertise, given your ad will show up when people are actively looking for information versus the more intrusive approach of advertising on Facebook.

Coming in at number five is youtube. This speaks to the amount of video people are watching online....a pile load. A great way for small business to benefit from this trend is to include various videos related to their business on their website. This could be company information or product demonstration videos. I would advise small businesses post these videos on youtube and then embed the youtube video on their website. This will allow people to find them on youtube and also increase the total views for the youtbue videos by having the youtbue clip embedded on your website. Each view from your website will then count as a view on youtube. Views are impoartnat because the more views you get the higher your video will rank in youtube and google searches.

On the email front it is interesting to see that yahoo and hotmail still seem to be at the top of the list. This means that if your business sends promotional emails to customers' personal emails you should test the email to make sure they display properly in yahoo and hotmail.

And finally, the other interesting point is that Bing is now on the top ten list. Bing is picking up steam which means in the near future it will probably be important to understand how your website ranks in Bing and not just google. As of January 2011 Bing (combined with Yahoo given Bing provides the search results for Yahoo) accounted for 25% of all searches. This is still no where near google's 70% but it is a sizable portion. Given Bing was only 11% in January of 2010 I think we can expect to see an increase in Bing's share of search if the current trend continues. Now the majority of that increase was a result of the Yahoo partnership but I still foresee Bing gaining share. I know for myself I find I am using Bing more often.

It will be interesting to see what this list looks like at the end of 2011. I am sure there will be some interesting surprises once again.

If you are a company located in Waterloo, Ontario, Canada and looking are for someone to help you with marketing on google, facebook, youtube or help with your overall tactics to generate new customers contact us today. Alternatively if you would like to Subscribe to Blog by Email I would be happy to have you as a reader.

I hope this article has been thought provoking. I know seeing the 10 ten websites of 2010 was interesting to me.