Email Marketing
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Best Time Of Day To Send B2B Emails

Best Time Of Day To Send B2B EmailsAre you wondering when is the best time of day to be send B2B emails? Well you are in luck today because in this article I outline real results that show when the optimal times are.

Below is a graph showing the open rates for 55 different emails I have sent for roughly 30 email campaigns. These campaigns include email campaigns for my customers (all of which are B2B small businesses) as well as a few for my own business. After summarizing this data here is what I got.....


Time Of Day Email Open Rates

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In general it appears the best time of day to send B2B emails is early in the morning between 12:00 am and 8:15 am. This of course your goal is to achieve the highest open rate. I would assume this would be the case but I guess there could be an odd occasion where open rate is not the goal and reading the subject line to create awareness or remind your audience about your company. Assuming your goal is maximizing your open rate another good time appears to be 3:00 pm and 10:00 pm.

With your next email marketing campaign I would suggest sending the exact same email with the exact same subject at multiple time points between 12:00 am and 8:15 am as well 3:00 pm and 10:00 pm for your next campaign. This will allow you to test the times that appear to be best to determine what works best with your target.

Given every business targets a slightly or vastly different group of people one business may find they have the best success very early in the morning while another may have the best luck in the afternoon. For example if you are targeting a sales team you may have better luck early in the morning because salesmen are usually tied up in the afternoon with customers. For an IT department you might find an afternoon works best because in the morning an IT manager may need to review or fix any IT problems that occurred over night. You won't know until you test but I think it is clear testing between 12:00 am and 8:15 am as well 3:00 pm and 10:00 pm would be a good starting point.

One other thing to note is that this chart includes data from all days of the week. If you were to look at each day individually you might find that depending on the day the email is sent there are different times of day that achieve a higher open rate. I guess I will have to look at this in another blog.....

If you are looking for an email services provider I would highly recommend Acymailing. By far Acymailing is the best program but it is only available for websites built on Joomla. If you don't have a Joomla website then the best options are Constant Contact or Aweber. Both programs are easy to learn, easy to use and low cost. They also provide additional features like email templates, in-depth performance tracking and auto responders that can greatly improve the effectiveness of your email marketing campaigns. I think Aweber might also have a special on right now where you can try there service for 1 month for $1. Their website is

I help various B2B small businesses in Waterloo and Kitchener generate new customers. If you are interested in keeping up to date on issues related to generating new customers for B2B small businesses consider subscribing by email to this blog.

I hope you have found this blog on the best time of day to send B2B emails insightful. I know after reviewing this information it made me rethink when I will be sending email marketing campaigns for my customers.


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