Email Marketing
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Outsourced Email Marketing

Outsourced Email Marketing If you are a small business there is a good chance you have or have thought about doing email marketing. Email is a very significant tool most of us use everyday to communicate, so it is no surprise most small business would like to use email to market their company. Being a small business it may make sense to outsource this to a company that has experience in this field and the proper tools. Below are some of the benefits out outsourcing this function.

The benefits of outsourcing your email marketing

- reduction of your companies time spent on email marketing (your email marketing service provider will now be spending their time on this task)

- additional tracking features

- better open rates

- better click through rates

- higher revenues and profits per email sent


Here is a great article as well from the New York times describing the benefits of outsourcing for small businesses. The article is titled The Benefits Of Outsourcing For Small Businesses.


In fact it may be beneficial to outsource your marketing completely to a company. The reason for this is that a company that provides marketing for many companies will be much better at it, have more experience to know what will most likely work and what won't, and they will most likely be able to do it for cheaper then what it would cost you to hire a complete marketing department.


There are times where it may make more sense to keep your email marketing in-house. If this is the case a good solution can be to use one of the many on-line email marketing services like Constant Contact or Aweber. These programs are usually easy to learn and provide valuable additional services like analytics tracking, templates and email automation at very low costs. For websites built on Joomla the email marketing program Acymailing is also a great option.


If you are a company located in Waterloo or Kitchener, Ontario and looking for someone to help you with email marketing and overall sales and marketing contact us today.