Website Traffic & SEO

SEO Tips For B2B Small Businesses

In this podcast we discuss the top 3 tips we have for B2B Small Businesses the search engine optimization efforts. If you would like us to look after your SEO, contact us now to book a time to discuss. The top three tips we outline in detail are post new content regularly, determine what keywords you want your website to rank for and ensure each page on your website has the proper metadata. 

SEO Tips for b2b small businesses


Executive Summary

 - Companies who invest in SEO on average see a return on investment of 275%

 - Having a website is important if you are looking to grow sales as is conducting search engine optimization on your website



Sales & Marketing ROI Podcast: Episode #12

SEO Tips For B2B Small Businesses. Click the link below to listen to the podcast. 

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B2B cs B2C Small Businesses

B2B (Business to Business) is a much different market than B2C (business to customer). Profitworks specializes in providing SEO services to customers that operate on a B2B model.


The Importance Of A Website

If you are looking to grow sales we would argue that having a website is one of the most important things you should have and work to optimize. To learn about why a website is so important, click here or look at this data on the return on investment of different marketing methods. 


What Is SEO

If you don't know what SEO is, I will describe it here. If you already know what it is reading this paragraph will not be a good use of your time and I would suggest you skip forward to the next section.

SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization. SEO is the process of maximizing the number of visitors to a particular website by ensuring that the site appears high on the list of results returned by a search engine. To learn more about what SEO is, click here or to watch a video that explains it click here


Tip 1: Post New Articles/Content Regularly

Posting new content on a regular basis (aim for at least monthly, preferably weekly) is something that every web manager should make time for. Fresh content shows Google that a website is alive and active, and as such will likely have up to date information for a particular topic. These factors all benefit a site by Google rewarding it with a higher ranking.

Web sites that have content that is years old are less likely to rank for specific keywords compared to a website that has been recently updated. This makes complete sense if you think about it. If Google can show two otherwise equal websites and one was updated yesterday and the other was not updated in 10 years, which do you think Google will want to show its users? To learn more about the importance of posting content regularly click here


Tip 2: Determining What Keywords To Rank For

When deciding what keywords to go after when writing new content it is important to go after keywords that are achievable. For any sort of keyword that has high traffic, there will be a large number of existing pages from a wide range of websites targeting that keyword. A newcomer to the scene may be tempted to go for a high traffic keyword, but in reality it is better to target low competition keywords that are much easier to rank on page 1 for.

Example: A new business in Waterloo, Ontario has decided to start selling a new type of craft beer. Their web manager may be tempted to try and rank of Google for keywords such as “Beer”, “Best Beer”, “Craft Beer”. All of those keywords are high competition keywords that have hundreds or thousands of web pages already targeting those keywords. Ranking on page 1 will be virtually impossible.

Instead, the web manager should target keywords such as “Craft Beer Waterloo”, “Ontario Craft Beer”, and “Microbrewery Waterloo Ontario”. All of these keywords are what are known as “long tail keywords”, which simply put just means specific keywords that are longer phrases. There are fewer people searching for “Craft Beer Waterloo” then there will be for “Craft Beer”, but the people that are searching for the Waterloo keyword are much more likely to actually purchase, because they are specifically looking for Waterloo Craft Beers.

Web managers can discover what keywords to rank for and research new keywords by using the Google Adwords Keyword Tool, which is a free to use service that Google makes available.


Tip 3: Ensure Each Web Page Has The Proper Meta Data

Targeting the right keyword, as mentioned in the previous section, is extremely important. All of the keyword work can be wasted if the keyword is not located in the proper areas of the page and in the page metadata. There are 4 distinct locations that the keyword should be found.

Firstly, the keyword should be in the URL of the page. Additional words can be in the URL, but the keyword should be the main focus of the URL.

Secondly, the keyword should be found in the page meta-title. The meta-title is what appears in the browser tab title.

Thirdly, the keyword should be in the title on the actual page the visitors will go to.

Lastly, the keyword should be found within the first sentence of the page’s meta description. The meta description is the descriptive text about a website that is displayed below the page title and URL in the search engine results.

It may be tempting to alter the keyword slightly in some of the different areas in order to change the wording. Do not do this as keywords work exactly as they are typed. The keyword “Waterloo Craft Brewery” is different from “Craft Brewery Waterloo”. Keep the keyword exactly the same in all 4 areas.


Improve your website today. Download our report on The 7 Key Tasks To Increase Website Traffic.

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Profitworks Small Business Services provides website traffic and website conversion optimization services which increase the number of sales generated from a website. The focus of our services is on increasing sales (not any other metric) and providing a positive return on investment. To learn more about Profitworks click here. Connect with us on Google+ or if you are just interested in getting new customers for your businesses feel free to click the "Send Me Free Sales Insights" button below to get free advice on how to gain new customers.

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