
What People Use The Internet For

How the web is being used is changing over time. What people use the internet for is shifting to include more video. So what does this mean? Is this even relevant for small businesses? You bet it is.


Below is a graph that displays exactly what I am referring to.


Web Usage

Sources: Cisco estimates based on CAIDA publications, Andrew Odlyzko

(to read the full article related to this graph go to

So what does this mean? Using video on the web for small businesses can open a whole bunch of interesting doors that could lead to either new customers, strengthened branding and countless other benefits.


Some of the benefits that make video on the web so attractive are:

- low cost (almost everyone has a web cam these days and that is all you need. If you have better equipment that is even better but not necessary)

- reusable (once you have created a video you can reuse it over and over, unlike some other marketing materials)

- increased customer interaction and engagement (a video with motion and sounds will have viewers much more engaged then a static website or email)


Here are just some ideas of how small businesses might be able to use video on the web:

- email marketing campaigns that include links to videos on the web

- landing pages on your website for specific key words that include a video introduction

- a video on a company's "About Us" page that has an employee or business owner introduce and describe the company


The above are only a select handful of ideas. There are countless ways video on the web may be able to help your business depending on the markets and products you deal with. Is there a way that video on the web could benefit your business?


At Profitworks we help small businesses get more customers through various marketing and sales initiatives.


I hope this article on what people use the internet for was a interesting read. Thank-you for visiting this blog.